Monday, August 5, 2013

Custom Painted Toms

My cousin got married on 7-6-13 & these are the custom painted Toms I surprised her with a few days before the wedding!
Their wedding colors were yellow & grey. 

The right shoe says "he stole my ♥ I stole his name"

The left shoe is a quote from 'The Notebook' just with the spelling of bird changed to Byrd (their last name) "If you're a Byrd I'm a Byrd" also, two 'love Byrds' are on the left shoe.

The sides were painted with a large glitter chevron stripe (you can't really see glitter in the picture) 
The back of the shoes have their wedding date 7-6-13 and their first initials
email me if you are interested in ordering a pair:

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